################ ### EXERCISE 7.1 ################ ###For the production of a new bread product, you need to select one type of wheat ###with appropriate protein content. Based on n = 10 sample measurements (per type), ###you want to compare d = 3 different types of wheat by their protein content. ###You learned that the so called One-way ANOVA is a suitable way to do so. ###Formulate the Null and Alternative Hypothesis for the given case. ###DATA IMPORT ###Read the xlxs file 'WheatProteinContent_V2.xlsx' into your R-workspace ###These data contains the protein content (%) for three types of wheat (A,B,C). ###Familiarize yourself with the dataset (e.g. n, max, min, ....) library(xlsx) setwd("G:\\tierzucht\\AG_bioinf\\teaching\\Master FPPE\\DataExamples") X = read.xlsx("WheatProteinContent_V2.xlsx", 1) head(X) dim(X) ###FIRST ASSESSMENTS ###Check whether the data of each variable is normally distributed ###E.g using quantile-quantile-plots ###What are other ways to Check the normality assumption? ###VISUALIZATION ###Visualize the wheat data in a boxplot. ###Add title and labels. ###ANOVA ###One-Way ANOVA ###Comparison of variance within the groups with variance between the groups. ###Generalization of the t-test with more than two groups. #Fit the one-way ANOVA model #The general synatx is aov(response variable ~ predictor_variable, data = dataset) model1 = aov(X$protein_content ~ X$wheat_type, data = X) #view the model output summary(model1) #summary returns: #Degrees of freedom #Sum of squares a.k.a. the total variation between the group means and the overall mean #mean of the sum of squares #F value #p value of the F statistic #What is your interpretation of the results? ###Kruskal-Wallis test ###Non-parametic way for One-Way ANOVA kruskal.test(X$protein_content ~ X$wheat_type, data = X) ################ ### EXERCISE 7.2 ################ ###You read in the newspaper that the freezing duration and temperature ###has an effect on the vitamin C content. ###You are interested if this applies to beans as well. ###Online you find the data set 'FrozenBeans.xlsx'. ###These data come from an experiment in which beans were frozen and ###the vitamin C concentration was studied at different temperatures and for different durations. ###DATA IMPORT ###Read the xlxs file 'FrozenBeans.xlsx' into your R-workspace ###Familiarize yourself with the dataset. beans = read.xlsx(file = "FrozenBeans.xlsx", 1) head(beans) ###VISUALIZATION ###Visualize the bean data set. ###This time with a different package: ggplot2 library(ggplot2) ggplot(df_beans, aes(x=days, y=vitaminC, color=temperature)) + geom_boxplot() ###ANOVA ###Two-Way ANOVA ###used to evaluate simultaneously the effect of two grouping variables (A and B) ###on a response variable. ###What are the two grouping factors in this case? #Fit the two-way anova model model2 = aov(vitaminC ~ freezing_duration + temperature, data = beans) summary(model2) #Two-way ANOVA with interaction effect model3 = aov(vitaminC ~ freezing_duration * temperature, data = beans) summary(model3) ###Which steps was missed here?