### DATA IMPORT ### Read the data of the 'cake example' into your R-workspace ### These data contains the variables Volume, Firmness and Weight ### for N=1000 pieces of the production. Let these 1000 cakes be ### the production of one day, thus they can be considered the population. setwd("G:\\tierzucht\\AG_bioinf\\teaching\\Master FPPE\\DataExamples") library(xlsx) X = read.xlsx("CakeCharacteristics_V02.xlsx", 1) dim(X) head(X) N = nrow(X) ### SAMPLE FOR QUALITY CONTROL ### Usually, you will not be able to study the whole population. ### Therefore, you want to analyse only a sample of size n. set.seed(123) n = 50 S = sample(1:N, n, replace=FALSE) Y = X[S,] ### GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS ### Make pairwise scatterplots of the variables in the populatin. ### Add the coordinated of the sample data using the R-function points. plot(X$Volume, X$Firmness, xlab="Volume", ylab="Firmness", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5) points(Y$Volume, Y$Firmness, col=2, pch=16) ### SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ### Fit a linear regression model to the data of the population, ### in order to model the firmness in dependence of the volume. ### Add a regression line to scatterplot using the function abline. ### Do the same based on the sample data. ### Use the function lm to fit the models. ### Apply the summary-function on the fitted model of the sample ### to see whether Volume has a significant effect on Firmness. ### CONFIDENCE BAND ### Use the predict function to generate a 95%-confidence band ### to the plot. NEW = Y[,1:2] P = predict(M.sam, new=NEW, interval="confidence") head(P) P2 = data.frame(Volume=NEW$Volume, P) head(P2) o = order(P2$Volume) P2 = P2[o,] points(P2$Volume, P2$lwr, type="l", col=4, lwd=2) points(P2$Volume, P2$upr, type="l", col=4, lwd=2) ### SAMPLE SIZE ### Repeate the above analyses with larger sample sizes, e.g. n=100. ### Discuss the effect of the sample size on the precission the results. ### MULTIPLE REGRESSION ### Fit and analyse a regression model with volume and weight as ### independent variables and firmness as dependent variable.