### DATA IMPORT ### Read the data of the 'cake example' into your R-workspace ### These data contains the variables Volume, Firmness and Weight ### for N=1000 pieces of the production. Let these 1000 cakes be ### the production of one day, thus they can be considered the population. setwd("G:\\tierzucht\\AG_bioinf\\teaching\\Master FPPE\\DataExamples") library(xlsx) X = read.xlsx("CakeCharacteristics_V02.xlsx", 1) dim(X) head(X) N = nrow(X) ### SAMPLE FOR QUALITY CONTROL ### Usually, you will not be able to study the whole population. ### Therefore, you want to analyse only a sample of size n. n = 20 S = sample(1:N, n, replace=FALSE) Y = X[S,] ### DESCRIPTIVE COMPARISON OF POPULATION AND SAMPLE ### Analyse the data of BOTH, the populatin and of the sample describtively, ### and compare the individual measures of location, of variation and of ### each pairwise correlation. ### Use the R-functions, summary, cov, cor, pairs. ### INFERENTIAL CORRELATION ANALYSIS ### Check whether the data of each variable is normally distribted ### using QQ-plots. ### For each pair of the three variables, test the null hypothesis ### that the correlation is 0. ### Use either Pearson's correlation coefficient R or Kendall's tau. ### You can use the function cor.test ### GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS ### Make pairwise scatterplots of the variables in the populatin. ### Add the coordinated of the sample data using the R-function points. ### Annotate the correlation coefficient into the graph using ### the R-function text