################ ### EXERCISE 4.1 Computer Simulation ################ ### Assume, you want to compare the vitamin C content of ### two food products, A and B. ### Simulate that you repeated this study K times. ### Change parameters values for K, for sample sizes n1 and n2, ### and for means and standard deviations in the population. ### Choose also scenarios with unequal standard deviations ### and unequal sample sizes in the two groups. ### In scenarios with mu1=mu2, i.e. under H0, determine the simulated rate ### (in percentages) of false positives. ### In scenarios with mu1!=mu2, i.e. under H1, determine the simulated rate ### (in percentages) of false negatives. ### Summarize all results in a table in a structured WORD-document. K = 1000 n1 = 10 n2 = 10 mu1 = 20 mu2 = 20 sd1 = 1 sd2 = 1 P = rep(NA, K) for (k in 1:K) { S1 = rnorm(n1, mu1, sd1) S2 = rnorm(n2, mu2, sd2) T = t.test(S1, S2, paired=FALSE, var.equal=TRUE) P[k] = T$p.value } ### Under H0: rate of false positives 100 * sum(P<0.05)/K ### Under H1: rate of false negatives 100 * sum(P>=0.05)/K ### Based on your summary table in WORD, visualize false positive and ### false negative rate for selected parameters graphically as line plots. ### (One varried parameters should be on the X-axis, the rate on the Y-axis.) ### Consider also the difference D=mu1-mu2 to be displayed on the X-axis. ################ ### EXERCISE 4.2 ################ ### Repeated EXERCISE 4.1 but draw data from a non-normal ### distribution, e.g. from the exponential distribution. ### Study again false positive and false negative rate, when ### the normality assumption for the t-test is not fulfilled, ### and summarize your results in a structured WORD-table. ################ ### EXERCISE 4.3 ################ ### Import the unpdated data from EXERCISE 2.1 --> Apples_V02.xlsx ### Check the normality assumption for the weight of apples ### in plantation A, B, and C. Use quantile-quantile-plots. ### Check the normality assumption also using the ### Kolmogorow-Smirnov-test: x1 = X$Weight[X$Plantation=="A"] ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean(x1), sd(x1)) ### Check also the assumption of equal variances of the apple ### weights between the three plantations, using graphical methods ### and F-tests: x1 = X$Weight[X$Plantation=="A"] x2 = X$Weight[X$Plantation=="B"] x3 = X$Weight[X$Plantation=="C"] var.test(x1, x2) ### Compare the apple weight between the three plantation ### using t-tests between each pair of plantation. ### Do the same analysis for the VitaminC content of the apples.