M.​Sc. "Food Process and Product En­gin­eer­ing" (MSc FPPE)

Teller mit Steak und Gemüse

The Master of Science degree programme "Food Process and Product Engineering" (MSc FPPE), jointly run by TiHo and DIL, ideally complements and links the specific orientations of both cooperation partners.

The cooperation partners DIL and TiHo are networked worldwide and work together on the vision for value-added food production. Ecology, sustainability and global socio-economic developments are just as much in focus as food supply and eating habits in all parts of the world.

The research groups are international. The international environment not only promotes a cosmopolitan approach among the students, but above all has an impact on the global scientific questions, the answers to which benefit all actors in the process chain, "from farm to fork".

New application procedure!

Please note that the application procedure will change for the winter semester 2025/2026; further information will follow shortly!

If you have any questions, please contact master.fppe@tiho-hannover.de.

We look forward to receiving your application!

TiHo Logo

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo)

Research at the TiHo stands for research on and for animals - and translationally for humans. In addition to infectious medicine, the main areas of research at the TiHo are animal health and food quality, including consumer safety.

Many issues are dealt with in inter-university cooperation or in collaboration with industry, in the food sector with the DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V., among others.

The TiHo maintains numerous international contacts. There are currently partnerships and cooperations with 37 foreign universities and veterinary faculties in 29 countries.

DIL Logo

German Institute of Food Technologies - Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V. (DIL)

Founded in 1983, the non-profit research institute DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V. is supported by more than 185 members from industry and science. The DIL thus has direct contact with national and international companies from the entire food sector. It is an internationally very active research institute that has participated in publicly funded research projects with 169 cooperation partners from 33 countries since 2009 and has built up a very large network in the scientific field. The institute's competencies and technical capabilities span the entire breadth of food science. As a link between science and practice, the DIL supports innovation processes as well as start-ups.

Ob­ject­ives of the MSc FPPE

The MSc FPPE aims to provide knowledge and practical skills in the fields of

  •     Food technology and engineering
  •     Natural sciences
  •     Process economics

This innovative linking of the subject complexes enables students to directly connect applied techniques with current research topics and thus sharpen the students' view of future-oriented processes and developments. By considering the entire food system from the living animal to the food ("from farm to fork") under sustainability aspects, students are also sensitised to the ecological effects of food production.

The students are involved in current research projects of the cooperation partners from the beginning. The theoretical deepening in the relevant natural sciences, e.g. microbiology, biochemistry and physics of food are linked to the practical areas of modern food technology via the translational approach.

In­ter­na­tion­al­ity and target group

The degree programme is internationally oriented, the language of instruction is English - very good language skills are therefore indispensable!

The target group is graduates of related Bachelor's degree programmes, such as food technology, beverage technology, food chemistry, process engineering or engineering sciences, but also chemical engineering, biotechnology, veterinary medicine or biology.

Students from other degree programmes at the TiHo, especially veterinary medicine, can take certain modules of the MSc FPPE as elective courses, which contributes to the networking of different disciplines.

After the degree

The Master's degree generally entitles the holder to a doctorate and thus opens the way to a scientific career. At the TiHo, the titles "Dr. rer. nat." or PhD can be acquired. If required, an expansion of the doctoral opportunities is being sought by establishing a PhD programme at the TiHo tailored to graduates of the MSc FPPE.

The programme benefits from the proximity to the food industry and the contacts of the DIL. Students can, for example, complete their internships and theses in suitable partner companies. This facilitates a quick entry into a business enterprise in the food sector after graduation and promotes the interlinking of science and practice.