DFG Research Training Group 2485 (Graduiertenkolleg) VIPER


The Research Training Group (RTG) ‘Virus detection, pathogenesis and intervention’ (VIPER, speaker Prof. Dr. A. Beineke) aims at training next generation scientists to tackle complex health issues caused by emerging and re-emerging viruses using an inter-disciplinary approach.


The VIPER research and training program will cover the global chain of events involved in virus emergence, all the way from virus discovery, isolation, molecular characterization, surveillance, and pathogenesis, towards animal and public health impact and intervention strategies including new approaches for prevention and control.


The VIPER research projects are subdivided into three pillars:

  • virus discovery, host range and transmission
  • virus-host cell interactions and pathogenesis, and
  • immune interference and intervention strategies.


VIPER will for the first time combine the long-term veterinary expertise in virology, pathology, clinic and wildlife research at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo). The Twincore Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research Hannover and two leading partner institutions outside of Hannover (Leibniz Institute of Virology and Ruhr University Bochum ) will further provide the participating students with opportunities to advance their scientific and collaborative skills, and promote their mobility and scientific independence.


The VIPER research framework will represent the core element of the training program, and will be incorporated into the Hannover Graduate School of Neurosciences, Infection Medicine and Veterinary Sciences (HGNI) of the TiHo and will lead to the academic degree of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) . The RTG will strive towards the forming of young scientists who are capable of functioning at the core of interdisciplinary teams, to enable a holistic understanding of emerging disease processes and the development of innovative intervention strategies.

Beispielbilder aus Forschungsprojekten

Upcoming events

15.01.2025 VIPER Network Meeting
10.-11.02.2025 2nd VIPER Symposium on Virus Research
01.04.2025 Start of the third VIPER Cohort

Scientific Coordination Office

University of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathology
Bünteweg 17
30559 Hannover


Office hours for personal consultation:

Monday: 9.30 - 11.00 am


Dr. Theresa Störk
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin; VIPER-Koordinatorin
+49 511 953-8625
Dr. Mara Lombardo
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
+49 511 953-8615